Contact Us

Call or Text (423) 855-8522

If you are experiencing an Eye-Related Emergency, TEXT Dr. Herron at 423-855-8522. Use your best judgment on urgency, if you feel you need to, find the nearest emergency room. You will get a response from Dr. Matzkin or Dr. Herron no later than the next business day.

How can we help?

  • Monday: 8:00AM -  5:00PM 
  • Tuesday: 8:00AM -  5:00PM 
  • Wednesday: 8:00AM -  5:00PM 
  • Thursday: 8:00AM -  5:00PM 
  • Friday: 8:00AM - 1:00PM
Cancellation & No Show Policy

For the convenience of all of our valued patients and staff, we ask for a 48 hours' notice whenever you need to cancel an appointment. Getting cancellation information in advance allows us to adjust our staff schedule or notify another patient who might be waiting for an appointment opening.

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