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Your Smartphone Is Not a Friend to Your Eyesight

Written by admin | Apr 15, 2017 4:48:37 PM

The team at Allied Health wishes our smartphones could be our friends. It probably wouldn’t be as bad if the so-called “digital world” wasn’t staring us in the face 24 hours a day, seven days a week. But, it is. We spend most of our time in front of some type of electronic device, whether it be a computer, smartphone, tablet or other device, and we aren’t giving our eyes the break they need. And it’s hurting our vision.

If you had to take a guess, how much time would you say you spend in front of an electronic device during the day? Would it be four hours? Six hours? More than eight hours? Chances are, it’s more than you should be for your vision’s sake.

When you’re staring at a digital screen all day, you’re increasing your risk of suffering eyestrain, itchiness, and red eyes—which can all end up causing retinal damage.

Protect Your Eyes

While you may not be able to fully get away from being in front a computer or smartphone for your job, there are ways you can help reduce the risk looking at the intense light of the screen can bring to your vision.

First, limiting your screentime as much as possible is the best way to protect your eyes. Therefore, if you don’t have to be in front of a screen, don’t.

When you’re using a device, try to reduce the glare that comes from your screen by using screen protectors and dimming the brightness of the screen.

Try to give your eyes a break, too. One of the rules most experts recommend following is the 20-20-20 rule, which means that for every 20 minutes you are in front of a screen, you need to stare at something that is at least 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds.

If you’re experiencing any vision issues, such as dry eyes, redness, or itching, make an appointment with Allied Eye to have your eyes checked.