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What You Should Know About Eyelid Cysts

Written by admin | Jul 15, 2017 4:53:12 PM

Have you ever had a bump on your eyelid? The team at Allied Eye wants you to know that you are not alone—these eyelid cysts, also called chalazions, are common.

A chalazion can occur at any time and happen at any age. Some people may be able to feel the cyst forming, but aren’t quite sure what’s happening. Read on for a look at some signs that you might have a chalazion.

Regain Your Vision

A chalazion is a harmless bump on the upper or lower eyelid that occurs when the eyelid’s oil glands are blocked. While chalazion is the medical term used for the condition, these bumps are often simply called eyelid cysts. The inside of the cyst is filled with pus and lipids that usually lubricate the eye but have formed a bump because they can no longer drain out.

Although having one of these cysts can cause worry, there’s no harm associated with a chalazion, especially since it’s a temporary condition. The medical condition is actually more common than you might think, and it can usually be treated without the need of surgery.

Symptoms of a chalazion include:

  • A painless bump on the upper or lower eyelid
  • Blurred vision, especially if the chalazion is pressing against the cornea
  • Redness, swelling or tenderness of the eyelid

Fortunately, most chalazions will go away on their own and can be treated at home. Your ophthalmologist may recommended placing a warm compress on your eyelid several times a day to help the blocked oil gland open and drain. Gently massaging the area with a clean finger may also help.

For more severe cases where the eyelid cyst is impacting your vision, your eye doctor may also prescribe an antibiotic drop or ointment to help the healing process. In the most severe cases, where the chalazion doesn’t go away on its own, a surgical procedure to drain the cyst may be necessary.

If you think you’ve developed a chalazion, visit Allied Eye so that our knowledgeable and experienced ophthalmologist can make a diagnosis and provide you with a plan for healing.